06 Jul Please The Palate Pick of the Week: Standing’s Butchery
With the 4th of July weekend here, it is time for barbecues. Around the country, families and friends gather to grill up meat and enjoy a good meal. To make that meal the best it can be is dependent on the quality of the meat served. For my small family barbecue, we enjoyed the most incredible steaks from Standing’s Butchery. It really can make all the difference and that is why Standing’s Butchery is the Please The Palate pick of the week.

Standing’s Butchery, owned by Jered Standing, is located on Melrose Avenue near La Brea. Opened since November 2017, Standing’s Butchery is one of the few proper butcheries in Los Angeles. I remember as a kid going to the butcher shop with my mom to pick out meat for dinner but as I got older, the butcher closed and we would get our meat at Whole Foods. There is something nostalgic but also forward-thinking when shopping at a free-standing butcher.

Standing’s Butchery specializes in supporting local farmers who raise their animals in an environmentally conscious manner. The animals are raised using the best standards. They are free range and no hormones are used. In addition, Standing’s Butcher is a zero-waste store. Every piece of meat or bone is used, either for sale in the butcher case or in the creation of a ground mix or in raw dog food.

The New York steaks we ordered for our 4th of July barbecue were beautiful cuts of NY Steak. A few minutes on the grill and they were perfect. And that is why Standing’s Butchery is the Please The Palate pick of the week.
Standing’s Butchery
7016 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles
(323) 413-2212
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