Live Like a Contessa at this Luxury Rural Escape on Mount Etna

A visit to Etna in Sicily is not complete without a few days of indulgence and relaxation at Monaci delle Terre Nere.

Live Like a Contessa at this Luxury Rural Escape on Mount Etna

Mount Etna is the most popular tourist destination in Sicily. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2013, Mount Etna is Sicily’s most beautiful natural attraction. Located on the eastern coast of Sicily, Mount Etna covers almost 50,000 acres, and nestled in the southeastern part of Etna National Park is the luxurious Monaci delle Terre Nere. After a day hiking on Etna, this is where you want to come and relax.

Live Like a Contessa at this Luxury Rural Escape on Mount Etna

From the moment you arrive, Monaci delle Terre Nere gives off an aura. As your car arrives, you are greeted by a member of the hotel who asks for your car keys. You are then escorted into the Convivium Bar, located in the central villa of the estate, where you are offered a drink as they prepare your check-in. Once check-in is complete, you hop into a golf cart and are taken to your room. When you arrive at your room, your car is parked outside, and your bags are inside the room. Immediately you feel like a Contessa and are ready for your luxury rural escape.

To learn more about The Wellness Retreat That’s More Like Your Dream Italian Vacation read the full story in Organic Authority.
