Please The Palate

Please The Palate January 2020 Winter Newsletter

Happy New Year!!! Welcome to 2020! We have officially started a new decade. It really is hard to believe that another year has passed. As I look back on 2019, I am thankful for such a full year! 2019 marked the 8th anniversary of Please The Palate. I spent 91 days traveling to Austin, Houston, Dallas, Boston, Sonoma, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Paso Robles, Pebble Beach, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon and also spent three weeks in Italy, traveling through Campania, as well as to Rome, Milan, Vercelli and Asti. I organized and promoted more than 27 events around the country for a variety of clients including Dao Wines, the Brotherhood of Port, Wines of Setubal, Catalan Wines, Albeisa Association, Seven % Solution, Effervescence and more. I interviewed 60 winemakers and winery owners for the Wine Soundtrack podcast. I wrote 187 articles which appeared in the Napa Valley Register, California Winery Advisor, BIN Magazine, Daily Ovation and the Please The Palate blog. And, I returned as a wine judge at the Central Coast Wine Competition. In addition to interviewing winemakers for Wine Podcast, I was honored to be invited to be a guest on two podcasts: Hit The Bottle Podcast in which I spoke about event planning tips and Money Matters Top Tips Podcast in which I shared the story of my journey. Phew! 2019 was an exhausting year but I am ready for 2020 and hope that it is even better. On deck for 2020 so far is more travel, more events, more writing, and more podcasts. And, I will be a wine judge at two more wine competitions! The McMinnville Food & Wine Classic Wine Competition, part of the 27th annual charity fundraiser for St James Elementary School, will take place in McMinnville, Oregon in January. The San Diego International Wine Competition will take place in San Diego in April. Wishing everyone a wonderful, healthy, happy and successful 2020! May this be the start of an amazing decade! Read the full Please The Palate January 2020 Winter Newsletter.

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