The New Napa Valley Grille

Napa Valley Grille has sat on a prominent corner in Westwood Village for fifteen years. It has been the location for business meetings, family dinners and graduation parties. With an open-air patio, it was one of the only high-end restaurants in the UCLA college town. Napa Valley Grille In time for their fifteenth anniversary, Napa Valley Grille has undergone a $2 million renovation. The restaurant’s interior and outdoor patio have been refurbished. What was once bright but dated is now warm and inviting. The 372-seat restaurant mixes earth-tone colors with stone, wood, tile and cooper textures. From the décor to the furniture to the lighting, Napa Valley Grille has captured the warmth of being in a wine cellar in wine country. Napa Valley Grille Dining Room Napa Valley Grille Bar The 60-seat outdoor patio is welcoming with large glass windows facing out to the street and a cozy lounge area with fire pits. Napa Valley Grille Patio With the renovation also comes a new executive chef. Chef Adrian Vela has worked with chefs Rick Moonen, Charlie Palmer, Bradley Ogden and Joël Robuchon. He moved to Southern California in 2013 where he was at Cafe del Rey for three years. In early 2016, Vela joined Napa Valley Grille as Executive Chef and led the revamp of the restaurant’s menu as part of the renovation. The menu at Napa Valley Grille is inspired by California cuisine, using local seasonal ingredients. Dishes include tender Wagyu beef meatballs that sit on a fried green tomato with pancetta and fresh herbs romesco. The oven-roasted mussels are served with crispy pancetta, sweet onions, charred tomato and Tavistock Reserve chardonnay. The Steelhead Trout is served with roasted asparagus, Meyer lemon risotto, harissa and micro sorrel. The steak frites come with house-made tater tots and Bearnaise. West Coast oysters, grilled artichokes and flatbreads are also available. West Coast Oysters West Coast Oysters Grilled Artichoke with harissa aioli Grilled Artichoke with harissa aioli Wagyu Meatballs Wagyu Meatballs (beef, pancetta, fried green tomato, fresh herbs romesco) Oven-Roasted Mussels Oven-Roasted Mussels Roasted Vegetable Flatbread (brussels sprouts, heirloom carrots, cauliflower, garlic, herbs) Roasted Vegetable Flatbread Steelhead Trout Steelhead Trout Steak Frites Steak Frites As for drinks, the wine list is California-centric but there are some international wines now on the list. The cocktail menu has been been revamped as well but I have yet to try any. However, being that Napa Valley Grille is an affordable restaurant, I will be back. It is still THE place to go for a business lunch, family dinner or celebration in Westwood. Napa Valley Grille 1100 Glendon Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024

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