Taking Inventory: Xavi Roca, Food and Beverage Director, Ritz-Carlton San Francisco

From busboy to Food and Beverage Director at Ritz-Carlton, Xavi Roca has worked his way up by experiencing various aspects of the hospitality industry. His work ethic and  approach is to lead by example. “I never ask someone to do something I wouldn’t do or haven’t done. My philosophy is to be hand-in-hand with my staff. How can I help them? What do they need?” A native of Barcelona, Spain, Roca began working for Ritz-Carlton during his second year at university in 1998. In the four years he spent at Ritz-Carlton Arts Barcelona, Roca quickly moved up from busboy to a Banquet Manger. “I knew I wanted to make a career of this industry,” states Roca. “I loved working the long nights, the weddings that started at 8 p.m. and ended at 7 a.m., and I knew it was the place for me.” Read the full story from The Tasting Panel Magazine November 2012.

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