Hot Toddy Recipe

Seasonal drinks come in all shapes and sizes and we have a favorite that is good for the soul as well as our taste buds. The Hot Toddy is a great home remedy you can serve up for yourself or a guest throughout the drizzly winter season. Traditionally, the hot toddy is a combination of liquor, sugar, water and spices that is served hot and drunk before bed in cold weather. A traditional hot toddy recipe is believed to relieve flu and cold symptoms – with the honey to soothe and the alcohol to numb. There are endless variations to the Toddy and adding your favorite spice or tea is a great way to personalize this drink for yourself and loved ones throughout the season. THE HOT TODDY Ingredients
  • 1 oz brandy, whiskey or rum
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 tea bag (green, black or blend of choice)
  1. Coat the bottom of a mug or a glass with honey.
  2. Add the liquor and the juice of the lemon quarter.
  3. On the side, heat water in a tea kettle and add the tea bag to make hot tea.
  4. Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir.

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