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When you put six talented bartenders behind a bar and let them play, play they do!  Recently Black Market Liquor Bar bartenders Pablo Moix, Ray Ewers, Lacey Murillo, Zach Patterson, Max Maxey, Anthony Flores spent a day behind the bar playing with different spirits and creating concoctions and have now launched their newest cocktail menu.
As a native Los Angeleno who was raised in Studio City, it was “cool” to be a valley girl in the early 80s. But then it passed and by the time I was a teenager, it wasn’t as “cool” anymore.  Fortunately, I grew up in the hills close to Mulholland and had a ‘323’ phone number and was able to deflect any negative valley remarks as I “lived in the Hollywood Hills”. Despite this stigma, Studio City has always been a great area.  It is a community of professionals and artists, singles and families of all ages.  Over the years, boutiques have opened along Ventura Blvd between Laurel Canyon and Whitsett that equal those found on the west side.  And now, great restaurants and bars are opening their doors in the east valley, drawing a thirsty and hungry crowd who are as happy as I am to have tasty local neighborhood spots.