Catalan Wines USA Wine Tasting Event

Catalan Wines USA Wine Tasting Event


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Event Type

A unique opportunity to taste and learn about exceptional wines from 15 renowned Catalan wineries, each presenting 3 wines. Owners and representatives of the participating wineries will travel from Catalonia to Austin to personally present their wines and connect with attendees.

Bouquet d’Alella

Casa Mariol

Castell d’Encus

Cellers Mostdoré

De Muller

Fundació Ampans – Collbaix

Gandesa Cooperativa

Garrido Wines



Marco Abella

Mas Rodó


Vincloop – Falset Marsà

Vins Claramunt

This exclusive event, open only to wine professionals

For Importers and Distributors:

10 AM to 11 AM

Master class on Wines from Catalonia by Mr. Lucas Payá,

former beverage director of Think Food Group by José Andrés


10 AM to 2 PM

Exclusive private tasting for Buyers

For Wine Trade and Media:

1 PM to 2 PM

Master class on Wines from Catalonia by Mr. Lucas Payá,

former beverage director of Think Food Group by José Andrés


2 PM to 4 PM

Walk-around tasting for qualified wine trade and media

Interested in registering? Email

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