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Need a bottle or two of wine for dinner tonight? Want to learn about wine? Where are you picking up your next bottle of wine? Where is the best place...

In the mood for cocktails? Try one with the unique and delicious Singani 63, the Bolivian brandy. Director Steve Soderbergh first tried Singani while making the movie Che in Bolivia...

Storytelling, mysteries, puzzles, art and magic. If this intrigues you, then you will understand why 49 Boxes at the Black Rabbit Rose in Hollywood is the Please The Palate pick of the week. 49 Boxes is running from April 14 through May 26 in Los Angeles and I had the privilege to attend a media preview for a fully magical evening. Taking up residence in Black Rabbit Rose in Hollywood, we entered the vintage-adorned bar. Large tables of eight filled the room and on each table were a number of wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes. At the front of the room is a display of artifacts, as well as a large box with 19 padlocks. We took our seats at the tables, forming groups that we would be working with to solve the mysteries.