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Need a bottle or two of wine for dinner tonight? Want to learn about wine? Where are you picking up your next bottle of wine? Where is the best place...

When I was first invited to check out Geezer's Public House in Woodland Hills, being an American, I thought it was odd that a bar was the name of a cranky old man. But the word Geezer has a different meaning in British culture. Geezer's is a public house, or a pub, which is a popular social drinking establishment in Britain. As posted outside the restrooms at Geezer's, a geezer is a "descriptive word in the UK used to define a man's characteristics. A geezer will be found usually outside a pub with a pint in his hand on match day. They commonly like football, scrapping, beer, tea, tits, and Barry White." Basically, a geezer in British terms is a "guy" or a "bloke" or a "dude".