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It is hard to keep track of how many Italian restaurants there are in the Brentwood area of West Los Angeles. Italian restaurants are like Starbucks....one on every corner and then a few more in between. Many of these restaurants offer delicious modern Italian cuisine. Others offer old school cuisine, serving up Italian-American familiar comfort dishes. Il Piccolo Verde Il Piccolo Verde on Barrington Court, near Sunset, is one of these places. Il Piccolo Verde is a friendly neighborhood restaurant on the former site of Restaurant San Gennaro. Owners Mike Schwartz and Oscar Morel opened Il Piccolo Verde in 2013.
As an avid caffeine fiend I often find myself looking for my next coffee binge. And if there’s one thing Los Angeles is good for, it’s the coffee culture. In a city that never sleeps, fueled by entertainment, fashion and all things a little wacky, it’s no wonder why Angelenos can’t get enough of their daily drip. Unfortunately, with the daily hustle and bustle of never-ending traffic and busy schedules, it’s harder to get a good cup of joe than you might think. Because of this, most of us find ourselves stopping at the nearest Starbucks or Coffee Bean chain or average joe coffee joint to get our fix. If you’re as dependent on your daily dose as me, than you should agree - one size (or shot) does not fit all. May it be your favorite fall latte or a classic cappuccino, the fuel you put into your body matters. So, I've complied some of my favorite local off-the-beaten-path coffee shops that are sure to wake you up!
If you’re like me, then you probably enjoy a good pizza from time to time. Whether you prefer Chicago style deep dish or thin crust Italian, it is inevitable that you can’t go wrong with pizza. Maybe I’m biased because I’m Italian, but who doesn’t love cheesy dough covered in toppings? Pizza is like the dessert bar sundae...but for dinner! A local hot spot for many Los Angeles' diners is Sawtelle Blvd. in West LA. Although this boulevard, also called ‘Little Osaka’, is most commonly known for their ramen, sushi and boba, I got a chance to mix it up and try something different. Clusi Batusi opened in 2012, and with only a year under their belt, they have been cooking some of LA’s best pizza. Clusi Batusi is cleverly named after Chef Michele Gargani’s favorite pet cat and is family owned and operated. It’s no surprise why the food is so good here; Chef Gargani is a direct import himself from Italy. With that being said, he knows his stuff and is constantly making dishes with the freshest ingredients that are true to Italian food and culture.