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Most of us are very fortunate that we have access to local farmers markets and fresh vegetables. We know how good fresh vegetables are for us, as well as how good they taste. But, not everyone knows this and it is important to convince people that fresh, whole foods can be incorporated into daily life and should replace processed foods. Root Down LA Root Down LA is a non-profit that is focused on just this! Building what they call "Youth-driven Neighborhood Food Systems", they create ways in which residents can get involved. For eight years, Root Down LA has created a demand for healthy food through a variety of community events, youth-trainings and hands-on classes that get people excited to eat their veggies. First, students take a look at the fast food they eat, then they compare the pricing and economics of buying local versus store-brand. Students learn how to dissect the ingredients listed and look for hidden sugars. They are then taught how to cook tasty dishes and in the end, they learn to like vegetables.