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What pairs with a favorite movie? Wine, of course! This trio chose completely different movies and paired each with an equally fascinating wine. You'll have to check out this fun...

There are dozens of movies in which drinking wine or making wine are a central theme. There are comedy-dramas, buddy-movies and romance movies about wine. Often how wine is portrayed it not realistic and misleading. There is the fantasy of living on a vineyard, the romanticism of falling in love in a vineyard, the comedy of wine tasting with friends. But very few portray the reality of life on a vineyard, the challenges winemakers face, combined with their passion. The new film Back to Burgundy, a French film by acclaimed director Cédric Klapisch, is all of that and more and that is why it is the Please The Palate pick of the week. I love a movie that engages me, that tells a good story and develops characters that I care about. Add to that a beautiful backdrop and Back to Burgundy is all that and more. So much of the writing that I do is sharing the stories of people in the wine industry. I meet winemakers around the world and many, especially from European countries, are the third, fourth, fifth, six, seventh, or even more, generation in their family to make wine. They share stories about the land, the place, their families, their histories and their futures.
This story was written for and posted originally at Capture Wine Tour As we all watch with baited breath to see who wins Best Picture at the 2015 Academy Awards, the team at Capture Wine Tour has pulled together a line-up of wines we feel pair best with each nominee. And the awards go to… American Sniper – Based on the story of Chris Kyle, oneof the most skilled snipers in US military history, American Sniper needs to be paired with an impactful wine that leaves a lasting impression. Like the sharp bullet of a sniper, we suggest pairing this heart pumping film with a Sauvignon Blanc, a wine that is bright and crisp with excellent acidity. Our Wine Suggestion:  J Christopher 2013 Sauvignon Blanc, Willamette Valley