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Ahhhhh.......Pinot Noir. Just saying those two works can make most wine lovers swoon. But what is it about Pinot Noir that so many love? A fickle grape that requires optimum growing conditions, Pinot Noir is typically a lighter-medium bodied, fruit-forward red wine. Originally the noble red grape of Burgundy, Pinot Noir is grown today in Oregon, California, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, France, Spain, Germany and Italy. When Pinot Days Southern California came to Los Angeles, bringing more than 40 Pinot Noir producers for an afteroon of tasting, I thought is was a good chance to ask some winemakers, and others, what Pinot Noir means to them.
GARAGISTES -(gar-uh-zhē-stuh) n, Fr. – A term originally used in the Bordeaux region of France to denigrate renegade small-lot wine makers, sometimes working in their garage, who refused to follow the “rules.” Today it is a full-fledged movement responsible for making some of the best wine in the world. Syn: Rule-breakers, pioneers, renegades, mavericks, driven by passion. These are small production commercial winemakers who are making under 1200 cases per year. Most of them don't have tasting rooms, nor do they have big marketing budgets to promote their wines. The Garagiste Festival was created to celebrate the artisan winemakers.  