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After 80 years, Clifton's Cafeteria in downtown Los Angeles shut it's doors in 2011. But today the doors are reopened, bringing glamour back to downtown LA. Clifton's Cafeteria As a third generation Los Angeleno, Clifton's had been a destination for my grandparents, my parents and myself. As a little girl, my mom would take me to Clifton's where after lunch I could pick a toy out of the treasure chest. While I have vague memories of this, Clifton's Cafeteria was a part of my childhood. Honoring the history of Clifton's, while reinventing itself for the modern age, Clifton's Cafeteria had a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 17th with Mayor Eric Garcetti, Council member José Huizar, Clifton's owner Andrew Meieran and actress June Lockhart. Council member José Huizar, actress June Lockhart, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Clifton's owner Andrew Meieran
Think "Restaurant Wars" (a la Top Chef) for bartenders.  This year at Portland Cocktail WeekBacardi sponsored a bar challenge. There were four teams made up of eight students each, a mixture of the different education majors at PDXCW. They had to create a bar, from concept to design to entertainment to the menu, in just 10 hours!