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This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com The weather is finally changing and it’s getting colder outside. And, with the holidays approaching, it’s time to plan for those gatherings of friends and...

Do you really need an excuse to drink Rosé wine? Well, if you do, here are a number of reasons. It's refreshing, versatile and, of course, the lovely pink color....after all #pinkwinemakesmehappy. And, what if you learn that $1 will go to support the fight against breast cancer everytime you buy a glass of Rosé? Do you need any more reasons??? At the new Rosé Happy Hour at Delphine Eatery & Bar at the W Hollywood, enjoy Rosé wine (and cocktails) and support a worthy cause at the same time! [gallery columns="4" ids="10370,10369,10367,10363"]