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Despite achieving an Italian Wine Specialist Certification from the North American Sommelier Association, one can never get too much information about the wines from Italy. With 20 regions and 3000 varietals, really mastering the wines of Italy is on on-going process. So, over the last few weeks, I jumped at the chance to attend four seminars hosted by The North American Sommelier Association, focusing on 4 regions of Italy. Seminar 1: Wines of Puglia Led by Alessia Botturi of the North American Sommelier Association and Vito Palumbo of  Tormaresca. DSC01252       DSC01257
Where is Boca you ask?  Boca DOC is in Piemonte and is one of the smallest and Northernmost appellations of Italy.  Produceing Nebbiolo, Vespolina and Uva Rara, it is one of the most unique terroirs in the world. Influenced by the 2nd highest peak of Europe (Monte Rosa), the wines are vastly long aging, intriguingly earthy and splendidly complex. A recent seminar was conducted by Professional Sommelier, Master Taster and North American Sommelier Association (NASA) Vice President Diego Meraviglia, a native of this region.  We were in for a great treat, tasting these great Nebbiolos, known locally as "Spanna". The Terroir of BOCA

"Italy is not complicated, it's complex." That's what they told us on the first day of the Italian Wine Specialist Certification Course. That is an understatement. Wine is produced in...
