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This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com Bright orange, crunchy, and slightly sweet, we are all familiar with carrots. They’re the favorite food of Bugs Bunny. They’re a classic item in a...

When I was invited to check out the new restaurant Crossroads, in the old Philippe space on Melrose, I was told two things. First, Beverage Director Jeremy Lake is doing the cocktails (Jeremy worked at Rivera and Playa previously and I was excited to check out his new place). Second, it's a vegan restaurant. 8749340078_9fddbd2bf4 I love my vegetables but I especially love cheese, butter, ice cream.....and of course, meat. So naturally I was a bit hesitant about going out to dinner at a vegan restaurant. Would I be satisfied with the flavors? Well, as a proud omnivore, I must say, if I hadn't been told, I would never have known that Crossroads was a vegan restaurant. The cocktails were excellent as was the food (and very satisfying).