Weekend Getaway: Wine Tasting in Sonoma
One of my favorite weekend getaways is to Sonoma. Making Healdsburg the home base, it is centrally located between the Dry Creek Valley (known for Zinfandel) and the Russian River Valley (known for Pinot Noir). With two days in the area, spend a day in each valley, but if you have more time, it's even better! Here are some of my favorite wineries to visit: Russian River Valley Arista Winery 7015 Westside Road, Healdsburg, CA 95448 If you are looking for a divine Russan River Valley Pinot Noir, then look no further than Arista Winery. Founded by the McWilliams family in 2002, they have dedicated themselves to working with local growers and practice sustainable farming. Beyond amazing wines, the vineyard boasts beautiful Japanese water gardens, mountain and vineyard vistas and a traditional tasting room. The tranquil environment is perfect for picnics, gatherings and intimate tastings. Hours: Mon-Sun 11am-5pm

19 August, 2013