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How can you say no to an invitation to head out for a "Night of the Unexpected"? Here's how the invite went: "Here’s how it’s all going down. I will send a car service to pick you up from a location that is convenient for you. The car will take you to a secret location in LA where you will participate in the first activity of the night. Afterwards, everyone will be whisked off to a second secret location for dinner, American Honey drinks and another activity. A car service will also be provided to take you home at the end of the night." So, at 5pm I was picked up by a car and driven to the destination. Thanks to LA traffic at rush hour, it look over an hour to get to the destination - the eastside of Downtown LA. We entered a warehouse district where I was let out of the car. I entered the building where I met up with the group in a narrow hallway. What were we about to do?