Formosa Cafe Interior (2) Formosa Cafe Interior (5) Sitting on Santa Monica Blvd, on the corner of Formosa Avenue, is the Formosa Cafe. Located in a former Red Car Trolley, the Formosa has been a Hollywood hangout and a Los Angeles icon for 75 years. My grandparents went there in the 1940s and 1950s and my parents hung out there in the 1960s. Formosa Then when the movie Swingers came out in 1996, suddenly it was the place to be for myself and my post-college friends. The long space with low lighting, red leather booths and celebrities photos hanging on every possible space on the wall was just like when my grandparents and parents would go there.
Wheel House Cheese Shop First frozen yogurt stores, then wine bars, then cupcake shops seemed to pop up at an alarming rate around the city. Now it's time for the Cheese Revolution! As cheese stores have been opening on the east side of Los Angeles, there are still only a handful on the westside - Beverly Hills Cheese Shop, Andrew's Cheese Shop, Wally's Cheese Box.....and now the Wheel House Cheese Shop! Wheel House Cheese Shop (1)

This post originally appeared on What happens when two foodies travel to San Francisco for two days with individual lists of places to try? We merged our lists, mapped our...
