Happy Summer 2019! I hope you had a wonderful, long 4th of July weekend. This summer (specifically June 8th), marks the 8th anniversary of Please The Palate. It is really...

Do you enjoy drinking cocktails but sometimes need or want to take a break....but then are easily tempted by the cocktail menu? Here's a great option - guilt-free delicious alcohol-free cocktails make with Seedlip Drinks. Read about Seedlip distilled non-alcoholic spirits in my column in the Napa Valley Register which I have shared here.
Have you ever needed a break from drinking but still want to go out and socialize? I know that I sometimes need a break from drinking alcohol but am still so tempted when I go out and see a great cocktail list.
HATCH LA opened one year ago in downtown LA at The Bloc, a block-long open-air urban center located on 7th Street at the 7th Street Metro Stop. What was once a covered shopping mall housing Macy's and the Sheraton Grand Los Angeles Hotel is now a vibrant open space with restaurants and shops. Hatch is a modern izakaya style restaurant serving yakitori, Japanese skewered chicken from organic Jidori chicken, as well as fresh raw fish and creative plates. And now they are serving cocktails with a Japanese twist. 