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This story originally appeared in the Napa Valley Register.
I was recently in New York to help organize a trade tasting of Texas wines.
When I was asked to work on this, I was intrigued. I knew they made wine in Texas but had not yet tried one. But I was also curious. I was curious in the same way many of us who live in California might react. Texas wine? Really?
I am aware that wine is made in almost every state in the U.S. But when I think about climate challenges, I wonder why a winemaker would be drawn to making wine in a lesser-known region that is not already known for wine and faces humidity, frost and disease as a regular occurrence.
When I was introduced to Virginia wines, I had had that reaction. But in my visits to various wineries in Virginia, I began to understand when I found dedicated people, some who had previously worked in California and other well-known wine regions, who found a home in a developing region.
As I sat down to dinner with the Texas winemakers in New York the night before the event, I was able to learn more about Texas wine.
Wouldn't it be fun to have your own name on a wine bottle - Chateau xxx or Domaine de la xxx?? Well, you can! Chateau Souverain is inviting wine enthusiasts to create their own custom labels. I got mine and that is why it is the Please The Palate pick of the week. Whether you want one with your own name on it or you are looking for the perfect gift for the holidays, or any other occasion, why not give someone their own personalized bottle of wine? It is easy and affordable! To get started, go to souverainlabel.com
There is a must go-to place in San Jose del Cabo. It is not a particular hotel; it is not the beach; it is not a tequila bar; it is not a taco stand. It is an organic farm and restaurant called Flora Farms. I was in Cabo, staying on the beach on the tip of the Pacific Ocean side. My friends had heard about this place from a chef friend and asked me to join them. We ordered a taxi and took a one hour drive back towards the airport to San Jose del Cabo. After passing large hotel after large hotel, we turned down a dirt road and drove another 10 minutes and arrived at Flora Farms. Flora Farms in an organic compound owned by Gloria and Patrick Greene. As the car parked, we came across a few shops, including one where over-priced locally-made soaps were for sale as well as a James Perse clothing store. There was also a wine and coffee bar. We followed the path to the left and at the end is Flora’s Field Kitchen and Flora’s Farm Bar. An open-air restaurant, Flora’s Field Kitchen has an rustically modern and natural feel to it. We took a seat at our table as the water misters cooled us down.