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We rarely get to see the work of young artists. There is so much talent out there. But, thanks to Hyatt Hotels and the Michael Mondavi Family, young artists are getting the chance at having their artwork displayed on a wine bottle with Canvas Wines. The Michael Mondavi Family created Canvas Wines for Hyatt Hotels. Art students around the country are invited each year to submit their artistic interpretation of the varietal characteristics of the Canvas Wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Grigio. All entrants are enrolled in an accredited art program. The winner not only gets a $5000 scholarship but they get their artwork featured as a label on a special bottling of Canvas Wines.

This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com As iPic Theaters continue to open across the country, going to the movies may never be the same again. From large plush recliners and blankets...

Traditionally, La Paulée is a Burgundian celebration held at the end of the grape harvest. So, hosting "La Paulée", which comes from the French word for sauté pan, poile, during the Santa Barbara Celebration of Harvest Festival, was fitting.....and lots of fun. To kick off the Celebration of Harvest weekend, La Paulée was hosted on Friday night. In addition to a ticket to the event, the only other requirement is to bring a bottle of wine with you. This BYO event does not mean that you grab the first bottle you find or run to the supermarket on your way. What you want to do is look into your collection of wines and bring something that you are proud to share. Santa Barbara Cebration of Harvest Fesitval La Paulee