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With all of the amazing wines coming out of the Santa Ynez Valley, it is only fitting that good restaurants follow. And probably the hottest destination right now, after a day of wine tasting, is S.Y. Kitchen in the town of Santa Ynez. SY Kitchen For Los Angelenos, there may be some recognizable faces. Mike and Kathie Gordon who own Toscana restaurant and Bar Toscana in Brentwood are the proprietors. Chef Luca Crestanelli, formerly at Bar Toscana, created the California-Italian menu. And you will also find his brother Francesco, who is the Sous/Pastry Chef in the open kitchen.
The image in my head of Bordeaux was stuffy, snooty and uptight. I would think of the cost of First Growth Bordeaux and the pretense of collectors I have met over the years. But, when I stepped foot in Bordeaux, it was not at all what I expected. Bordeaux Bordeaux is a vibrant, exciting city thanks to their long-standing center-right mayor (and former prime minister) Alain Juppé who started a massive regeneration program in 1995. He opened up the riverfront, made the city center pedestrian friendly, cleaned up the old buildings and installed a hi-tech tram system. Today Bordeaux is not only the largest urban world heritage site but has been ranked as France's second favorite city after Paris.
If you have been to New Orleans, you have probably been to Bourbon Street. And, if you have been to New Orleans, you probably don’t want to go back to Bourbon Street. After all, New Orleans has plenty of places to drink classic cocktails where you don't have to deal with the madness of the crowds and mediocre drinks on Bourbon Street! 21st Amendment Just off Bourbon Street, on Iberville Street, is 21st Amendment, named after the amendment that repealed Prohibition. As the live jazz music pours out of the doors, you will be drawn into 21st Amendment. But, this is not the place for watered down Jack and Cokes or Hurricanes. With gangster photos hanging on the walls, copper sheeting on the bar, the movie The Godfather playing on the flat screen behind the bar and bartenders in page boy hats and suspenders, you will be taken back in time to the Prohibition Era.