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Birthdays are always a great excuse to eat out. When I was a child, I always picked the same restaurant each year but as an adult, I love to try new places and this year's birthday was no exception. Gathering a group of my foodie friends, we decided to go to Allumette in Echo Park. Located across the street from a supermarket, this fine dining restaurant is rather unassuming.  But, despite the location and the minimal decor, Chef Miles Thompson is serving food that is anything but unassuming. Before we delved into the food, we started with drinks. The bar program at Allumette is lead by Serena Herrick, formerly of Harvard and Stone, who has created an original drink menu using local, artisanal products.
Spaniards have elevated the Gin & Tonic (aka Gin Tonics) to an art form. Each gin is paired with a specific tonic, as well as a complementary botanical, citrus peel or other garnish, and then served in a goblet glass filled with large ice cubes. On a recent trip to Granada, Spain, I wanted to explore the Spanish obsession with Gin & Tonics first hand. While Madrid and Barcelona are the two cities most known for Gin Tonics, I found two great bars in Granada serving up Gin Tonics of note.