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Govind Armstrong has come to the west side and brought traditional Southern Country cuisine. I first met Govind when I began working in the wine and spirits industry over a decade ago when he owned Table 8 on Melrose Ave.  Over the years I would ask him when he would open something on the West Side of LA and he would tease me that he was looking into it but couldn't tell me where or when. And now it is time! Willie Jane  
While watching tv late one night, I was distracted by a show talking about doughnuts. These were not your average doughnuts.  With names like Maple Bacon Long John, Bar Snack and Banana Cream Cheese, these were unique re-inventions of a classic. The doughnuts came from Glazed and Infused in Chicago.  As I was going to be in Chicago for one day the following month, I quickly wrote it in my calendar and then just as quickly forgot. But, the morning I was in Chicago, an alarm went off in my calendar reminding me about the field trip. So, just before the event started, we ran out to the nearest Glazed and Infused shop and got there just in time to get some of the last doughnuts.....because once the days' doughnuts are sold out, the shop closes. Thankfully we got there because these doughnuts gave me the sugar kick I needed that day! DSC00834
It is a rare occasion that I get to attend a trade tasting, as opposed to running it. But while I am here in DC in between two trade tastings I am organizing, I was able to attend the Wines of Portugal trade tasting. IMAG2784 Portuguese wines are probably that most people are not familiar with. Portugal lays along the Atlantic ocean and shares a border with Spain from top to bottom. There are more than 20 DOC wine regions and 250 grape varieties native to Portugal, offering a range of diverse wine styles.