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We rarely get to see the work of young artists. There is so much talent out there. But, thanks to Hyatt Hotels and the Michael Mondavi Family, young artists are getting the chance at having their artwork displayed on a wine bottle with Canvas Wines. The Michael Mondavi Family created Canvas Wines for Hyatt Hotels. Art students around the country are invited each year to submit their artistic interpretation of the varietal characteristics of the Canvas Wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Grigio. All entrants are enrolled in an accredited art program. The winner not only gets a $5000 scholarship but they get their artwork featured as a label on a special bottling of Canvas Wines.
How many times are you drawn to a bottle of wine by the label?  Sure, you may start by looking by varietal or region but you can't deny that the label may catch your eye and make you take notice? While an attention-grabbing label is a great marketing tool, the meaning behind the label is also of significance. Here are some wine labels that have caught my attention, as well as the meaning behind some of the labels.