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The attractiveness of a wine label is one of the main reasons why consumers select a wine in the store. Have you ever looked at a label and wondered what a winery was thinking? Ever thought you had an idea for a wine label? Let the inner artist in you come out and create your own label with the new Scratchpad wines, created by Terravant Wine Company in Buellton (Central Coast). Each bottle of Scratchpad wine - 2011 Central Coast Chardonnay, 2012 Central Coast Sauvignon Blanc and 2011 Central Coast Pinot Noir - comes with a blank label and a charcoal pencil draped around its neck. Scratchpad family bottle renders 300dpi It's up to you to decorate the label! The question is: do you decorate it before you drink the wine or do you drink the wine to get inspired? Either way, have fun! Get creative! Go crazy! Express yourself! Then snap a photo and share it via social media or on the Scratchpad Faceook page for everyone to admire. Here's what I did with my bottles.