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With so many new restaurants opening up in Los Angeles at record speed, it's hard to keep up. While the list of new restaurants to try gets longer and longer, it's also good to remember restaurants that have stood the test of time and have been open for more than 3, 4 or 5 years. One of these restaurants is Bombay Cafe in West Los Angeles which is celebrating it's 25th anniversary. Bombay Cafe Bombay Cafe, owned by Kamal Git Singh, has been serving traditional Indian cuisine for more than two decades. Perhaps it is because Indian food is very natural, using spices like cumin, coriander, cardamom, tumeric and saffron to add color and flavor to the food.  And, with most food cooked in the tandoor oven where fats cook off naturally, the meats are lean and healthy. Some highlights on the menu are: Aloo-Ki-Tikki - Indian potato pancakes, topped with chopped onions and tamarind chutney.