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Fifty years is a long time for a winery in California so that is quite an achievement for Fezter Vineyards. In addition to longevity, Fetzer Vineyards has been a leader in sustainability and protecting the environment from the beginning. They have been cultivating change since 1968 and continue to, as I wrote about in the Napa Valley Register.

Fetzer Vineyards is celebrating their 50th anniversary. Owned by Chilean company Viña Concha y Toro since 2011 and one of the largest wine companies in the United States, one might think that they have achieved their pinnacle after five decades.

But, Fetzer Vineyards has been ahead of the game from the beginning. And as they celebrate 50 years, they look forward to the future with a lot of innovations.

We must all take care of the communities that we live in. We should live sustainable lives. We should do good in our lives. These are challenges that we can undertake as individuals and as businesses and one business doing that is Long Meadow Ranch in Napa Valley. You can read about the family-owned business that does all of things in my recent column in the Napa Valley Register, and republished below.

On Main Street in St. Helena is Farmstead at Long Meadow Ranch. From a coffee in the morning to a tasting in the afternoon to a dinner at night, it’s a one-stop shop. And with it comes sustainability and health, supporting the community and doing good.
