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Every year dineLA's Restaurant Week offers a specially priced prix fix menu for lunch and dinner, allowing diners to try a variety of local restaurants. The 12-day dining event, which just took place from January 21 - February 1, showcased some of LA's best restaurants. With so many restaurants to try, both old and new, Restaurant Week provides an opportunity to explore as many restaurants as you can manage to eat at over 2 weeks.  And, with lunch menus priced at $15, $20, and $25, and dinner menus at $25, $35, and $45, you won't necessarily break the bank by eating out. In addition to the price, this is a great way to get a taste of a restaurant's menu as the prix fix menu is typically made up of smaller portions of regular menu items. During this last restaurant week, we made it out to 3 restaurants. And, as we were dining as two (or three), we were able to order almost every item offered on the menu. Here are some recent highlights from the more recent Restaurant Week: