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When you think of Jagermeister, does it bring you back to your college days? Or perhaps you secretly enjoy Jagermeister while on a ski trip in the cold of winter. Either way, you probably are embarrassed to admit that you enjoyed this licorice liqueur sometime in your past life. But, I am hear to tell you that you may want to rethink this. At Tales of the Cocktail this year, Jagermeister hosted a Spirited Dinner called Jägermeister’s Summer of Music Spirited Dinner at the Foundation Room at the New Orleans House of Blues. I was intrigued by the invitation. The dinner was limited to 56 guests, one for each of the 56 premium ingredients in Jägermeister’s secret recipe. Jagermeister is an amazing modifier in cocktails. Top bartenders Willy Shine, Sean Kenyon, Ivy Mix and Sean Hoard mixed up delicious cocktails using Jagermeister that paired perfectly with the dinner. Sean Hoard, Sean Kenyon, Ivy Mix and Willy Shine
As the 11th Annual Tales of the Cocktail took place this past July, it was my 5th journey to one of the world's largest cocktail festivals. Bringing together industry professionals and cocktail enthusiasts from around the world, Tales of the Cocktail is made up of hundreds of events including seminars, tastings, Spirited Dinners, cocktail competitions and parties. There are so many things to do and it's impossible to do everything. Even when trying to pick and chose carefully, schedules fill up fast and no matter how hard we try, we still were running from event to event.  Here are the highlights from our 2013 trip. Day 1: The Perfect Respite by Perfect Purée of Napa Valley - What a perfect way to start the day - with Perfect Puree smoothies, hangover helpers, antioxidant nibbles and massages. We were relaxed and at peace, ready to face the day.   Auchentoshan Whisky & Whiskers - From breakfast, we were whisked away on a Pedi Cab to Aidan Gill for Men for an Auchentoshan dram, a cocktail and a hand massage. Going from one massage to another was definitely a treat but the best part were the Auchie Highballs with Auchentoshan Classic, cucumber soda and RX Auchie bitters.