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This story originally appeared in the Napa Valley Register (December 18, 2015) With the holidays upon us, the gift list is long. Whether buying for others or putting a list together of what you want, a book is always a perfect gift. Wine and Cocktail Books As a wine and cocktail lover, I am always drawn to books about this subject and continue to amass a collection of books about the history of the industry, the people who make the industry what it is and guides to learn more about wine, cocktails and pairings. If you are looking for last-minute gifts for your wine and cocktail loving friends, here are seven suggestions that are currently filling my bookshelves.
This year marked my 6th year attending Tales of the Cocktail, the largest cocktail festival, in New Orleans. Each year there is a lot of physical prep that takes place knowing that for between 3-5 days, there will be non-stop drinking and eating, late nights, little sleep and hot, humid weather. Each year, with another Tales under my belt, I have gotten better and better at managing my schedule. But, no matter how hard I try, the days get filled with back-to-back tasting rooms, seminars, one-on-one meetings and parties. Somewhere in there, one has to find time to eat and sleep. But, this year there was a new theme - Keeping It Real: Mind, Body & Spirits. Every morning from 8:30 am - 10:00 am, we gathered for a couple hours of yoga and meditation led by Natalie Bovis, Patricia Richardson and Dushan Zaric and a presentation by special guests - a nutritionist, an acupuncturist and a wellness nurse.