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Monday is one of my favorite nights go out since it's usually a quiet night on the town. When a friend asked to meet for a drink, I decided that it was finally time to get myself over to Melrose Umbrella Company as they just celebrated their one year anniversary and I had yet to go there. Melrose Umbrella Company Apparently, I am not the only one who likes to go out on a Monday night as there was a good sized crowd there. All the seats were filled and there was a chill energy in the room. To top if off, owner and barman Zach Patterson was behind the bar, making it an even better night. Monday sure is a fun night at Melrose Umbrella Company!
When I was invited to check out the new restaurant Crossroads, in the old Philippe space on Melrose, I was told two things. First, Beverage Director Jeremy Lake is doing the cocktails (Jeremy worked at Rivera and Playa previously and I was excited to check out his new place). Second, it's a vegan restaurant. 8749340078_9fddbd2bf4 I love my vegetables but I especially love cheese, butter, ice cream.....and of course, meat. So naturally I was a bit hesitant about going out to dinner at a vegan restaurant. Would I be satisfied with the flavors? Well, as a proud omnivore, I must say, if I hadn't been told, I would never have known that Crossroads was a vegan restaurant. The cocktails were excellent as was the food (and very satisfying).
Although ink. opened in late 2011, I hadn't been yet. It was on my list of places to go but time got ahead of me. So after spending a week in DC before the holidays and eating at a few Top Chef contender restaurants (Range by Bryan Voltaggio and Graffiato by Mike Isabella), it was time to hit ink. by Michael Voltaggio, winner of Season 6 of Bravo's "Top Chef". ink. is a casual place with a edgy decor but a cozy feel.  The menu offers a small plate format which is great because you get to try lots of different things.  And, ink. is all about different. The cuisine is cutting edge, using new techniques. And, the descriptions on the menu are only scratching the surface.  When our server described each dish, it was hard to keep up with exactly what processes the ingredients have undergone before they land on the plate....but whatever they were, we liked the results!