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This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com In 2014, Chef Curtis Stone opened Maude, his first restaurant in Los Angeles. Maude is an intimate 25-seat restaurant in Beverly Hills and features one...

This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com Many of us are familiar with the Japanese phrase Omakase, which means "I'll leave it to you." Omakase, similar to the concept of a tasting...

Curtis Stone opened up his tiny little restaurant Maude in Beverly Hills at the end of January. I called to make a reservation as soon as I heard that it was opening and the first reservation I could get was a 9pm in March so I grabbed it and waited in anticipation for the date to arrive. Maude is a fairly small restaurant that has approximately 25 seats. The kitchen is open and no matter where you sit, you can watch the cooks at work. In a way, it feels like you are going to a friend's house for a dinner party as the space is intimate and charming, like an intimate chef’s table experience.