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In the vast city of Los Angeles, there is an ever growing list of restaurants that I want to try. Two of the restaurants that have been at the top of my list are Alimento, Chef Zach Pollack's restaurant in Echo Park, and Love & Salt, Chef Michael Fiorelli's restaurant in Manhattan Beach. These two restaurants are located 24 miles apart from each other, but with Los Angeles traffic as it is, they seem like worlds apart. But from two sides of the city, these two chefs came together to make lunch during Los Angeles Food and Wine 2015. Love and Salt The lunch took place at Love & Salt in Manhattan Beach. Love & Salt offers a menu that is a mix of Italian, Mediterranean and Californian. Alimento offers a menu that blends Northern Italian cuisine with California influences. The essence of this lunch was to have two passionate chefs come and have fun cooking together, and that they did!
I have been meaning to go to Manhattan Beach to try David Lefevre's Fishing With Dynamite since it opened almost one year ago.  So, what better place to spend National Clam Chowder Day (February 25) than at the East Coast-meets-West Coast seafood restaurant across the street from the beach!?!? Fishing with Dynamite is a friendly little spot. I say little as it only seats 33 people. When you walk in, you are facing, and almost up against, the raw bar, which has a few seats along it and then to the right is the bar with a few more seats. On either side of the raw bar are tables but in between all of these, there is little standing room. I arrived a few minutes before my dining partner and wasn't sure where to wait. But, the friendliness of the staff made me feel right at home. From the hostess to the servers to management, everyone was so personable and their love for the restaurant and the menu was apparent. Not a bad sentiment to start off a meal!