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So often there are two approaches when drinking wine. We order a glass and just drink it, not thinking much about it but enjoying it as we eat a meal or talk with friends. Or we sit and analyze a wine, assessing its aromas and tasting notes. But have you ever tasted wine with intention? Have you ever meditated and drank wine? This past week I attended a Medi-Tasting Experience and tasted wine in a new way. That is why Tasting with Intention is the Please The Palate Pick of the Week. Sitting at the Malibu Beach Inn, overlooking the ocean and listening to the sound of the waves crashing, chef, author and meditation teacher Cassandra Bodzak guided us through a meditation following by a tasting of the wines of Champagne Henriot. Through meditation, the goal was to be more in tune with our bodies. Our senses are optimized which leads to a deeper tasting experience.
My days and nights are filled with wine lunches, tastings and dinners. And one of the biggest challenges is limiting how much is consumed if I am driving home. But this week, I went to lunch on a beautiful, crisp, clear day at the Malibu Beach Inn and spent three hours sipping Seedlip cocktails. And, in the end, I got in my car and drove home. Why? Because all of my cocktails were non-alcoholic! It was such a treat to sip cocktails all day and yet not experience the effects of the alcohol, among other benefits, and that is why Seedlip Cocktails are the Please The Palate pick of the week. Seedlip Distilled Non-Alcoholic Spirits are the world's first distilled non-alcoholic spirits. Made from herbs and botanicals, it is a truly nonalcoholic spirit, as well as sugar-free, allergen-free, sweetener-free and has no artificial flavoring. And Seedlip has no calories or carbs.