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Chi Spacca is over one year old now but I finally made it....barely! I knew it was near Mozza but managed to pass it three times before I gave up on Waze all together. I found a spot on the street and walked past the Osteria Mozza entrance to where there is a small sign with just the image of the cleaver on it (Chi Spacca means "cleaver" in Italian). Without a noticeable sign, especially one without words, it was a bit difficult to find. Chi Spacca A little further down is a door to Mozza-To-Go. Enter Mozza-To-Go and then through another door and you come to the intimate Chi Spacca with the open kitchen. Tables are rather close so you have to maneuver yourself through the space to your table. We had a lovely little table next to the window but throughout our meal at least three different passers-by on the street stuck their heads into the small square to look into the restaurant and ended up giving us a little shock.
Monday is one of my favorite nights go out since it's usually a quiet night on the town. When a friend asked to meet for a drink, I decided that it was finally time to get myself over to Melrose Umbrella Company as they just celebrated their one year anniversary and I had yet to go there. Melrose Umbrella Company Apparently, I am not the only one who likes to go out on a Monday night as there was a good sized crowd there. All the seats were filled and there was a chill energy in the room. To top if off, owner and barman Zach Patterson was behind the bar, making it an even better night. Monday sure is a fun night at Melrose Umbrella Company!
Do you work in Beverly Hills? Are you a tourist in Beverly Hills? Well, if you are one of these, or just looking for a lunch spot for a power lunch in Beverly Hills, then head to Freds at Barney's New York. Fred's at Barney's New York Located on the top floor of Barneys New York, you can walk up the spiral staircase as you eye the fashion on each level, or you can hop up in the elevator. Enter the newly remodeled Freds, named after the grandson of the original owner Barney, also formerly the space of Barneys Greengrass.