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When you were a kid and someone asked what kind of dog you had, did you ever answer "a Heinz 57 mutt"? Where did that term come from? That term is a shortened form of an advertising slogan about the numerous products, or "57 varieties", produced by the Heinz Company. And, today it means anything that is mixed from a lot of things. Fifty Seven LA's newest downtown restaurant in the arts district is located on the former loading dock of the Heinz 57 Factory and is called Fifty Seven. But, while the name may pay homage to its former tenant, it is actually quite appropriate considering the format. Fifty Seven boasts a rotating roster of "chefs in residence" who will come in for a season and create their own seasonal menu.
Tucked away in an alley in downtown Los Angeles’ Arts District is the Daily Dose Cafe. While an alley doesn't sound charming, where Daily Dose is located is more like a secret hideaway. The buildings on either side are brick-lined with ivy climbing up them and wood tables line the way, making the outdoor area seem more like a private courtyard.