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This story originally appeared in the Napa Valley Register (December 18, 2015) With the holidays upon us, the gift list is long. Whether buying for others or putting a list together of what you want, a book is always a perfect gift. Wine and Cocktail Books As a wine and cocktail lover, I am always drawn to books about this subject and continue to amass a collection of books about the history of the industry, the people who make the industry what it is and guides to learn more about wine, cocktails and pairings. If you are looking for last-minute gifts for your wine and cocktail loving friends, here are seven suggestions that are currently filling my bookshelves.
Portland is a small city filled with great restaurants and bars (as well as the most strip clubs per capita, as my taxi driver pointed out).  It may be more like a big town but the number of great cocktails bars can rival some larger cities. While in Portland for the first time for Portland Cocktail Week last October, I went through the list of bars and was able to visit many of them.  Here is a quick summary of some of the best spots!