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Who does not love gelato!?!? I, for one, absolutely love gelato. I love the lightness but richness, the smooth, creamy texture and the simplicity and creativity of ingredients. So, when I was asked to manage the Gelato School at the Gelato Festival America, it was a dream come true....after all, it meant that I could eat all the gelato I wanted for seven festivals! We have just completed two cities - New Jersey and Chicago - and have five more to go and I am loving every single bite! That is why, without a doubt, the Gelato Festival America is the Please The Palate pick of the week.
Doing my annual house-sitting duties for my parents, my childhood home in Studio City becomes my home-base for a few weeks. As I was sitting at my computer, I saw a friend post about a new gelato place in Studio City. How could I not know about this place just down the street? How did my ice-cream-aholic mother not know? Well, that is because it opened the week my parents left on their trip. So, with the excess heat, I ventured out not once, but twice (ok three times) in just as many days to enjoy a gelato from Fatamorgana and hence Fatamorgana is the Please The Palate pick of the week. Fatamorgana Gelato is authenic gelato. It was founded in Italy in 2003 by Mari Agnese Spagnuolo and there are eight locations in Rome. And now Studio City, California is the ninth location.