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The first time I heard "kali orexi" was when I went to Greece for my first time. "Kali" means "good" and "orexi" means "appetite." Before every meal in Greece, they say "kali orexi", just as they say "bon appetit" in France and "boun appetito" in Italy. The point is to wish all diners a good meal and that is exactly what was had at the aptly named Orexi in San Francisco. Located in the West Portal area of San Francisco, Oreki has been open for five years. Chef-owner John Loufas and his wife, Effie, along with their friendly staff, run this family-run neighborhood restaurant. The space is warm and inviting with honeycomb artwork along one wall and a large communal table down the center of the room. As tasty as Greek food is, there are not many wonderful examples available in the U.S. There are many quick-serve Mediterranean spots and also those old-school Greek restaurants where the dishes error on the side of a bit too greasy. But at Orexi, traditional dishes are served with fresh, seasonal ingredients and clean flavors.
It is easy to overlook many restaurants in LA. Drive down the street and tell me if you can name every restaurant you pass and if you have eaten there. One of these that I have driven by is Delphi Greek. Located on Westwood Blvd, just south of Westwood Village, it is possible I have driven by it for decades as it has been open for 32 years! Ten years ago, Persian businessman Roozbeh Farahanipour purchased the restaurant. As the street is filled with Persian businesses, he was pressured to change the theme of the restaurant. However, Farahanipour has been a lover of Greek wines for many years and he decided that he wanted to honor the tradition of the restaurant and maintain the diversity on the street.
I have always been a fan of Greek food, or at least what I thought was Greek food. Spanikopita, Greek salad and gryos were what I was familiar with until I travelled to Greece for the first time this past summer. In Greece, I was introduced to "real" Greek food - vegetable-driven, fresh seafood and local cheeses...lots of cheese, fried with honey. The "real" Greek food is light and healthy and full of flavor. Sadly we do not get a lot of "real" Greek food in America. There are only a few restaurants in Northern Calfornia (Dio Deka) and New York (Estiatorio Milos and others) showcasing the beautiful flavors of Greek food but at a higher price point. Now Los Angeles has a "real" Greek restaurant, offering the fresh flavors with affordable prices. Welcome to LA, Inotheke! Inotheke, which means "wine case" in Greek, is located on Broadway and 6th in Santa Monica. Owner Carolos Tomazos is recognized by many in Los Angeles as the front-of-house personality at the popular former Waterloo & City. With Inotheke, Tomazos, who grew up on the island of Cyprus, is bringing a fresh modern perspective to Greek food. Carolos Tomazos