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This story originally appeared in the Napa Valley Register (February 26, 2016) Vini d'Italia 2016 Special Awards - Eleonora Guerini and Marco Sabellio Every year, one of the most anticipated wine events is the Gambero Rosso Tre Bicchieri World Tour. This premier Italian wine showcase features the wines that have garnered the coveted “tre bicchieri” (or “three glasses”) award. Gambero Rosso is the world’s foremost guide on Italian wines, and their team of 70 experts and dedicated wine tasters spend six months each year visiting every region in Italy. They taste more than 50,000 bottles of wine in blind tastings and give a score to every wine. One glass is a good wine; two glasses is a very good wine; three glasses is an exceptional wine. The recipients of the tre bicchieri award are in the annual Vini d’Italia guide, which has been published since 1988. Out of 50,000 wines, 400 were given the award of three glasses. Quite a feat. But then, from these 400 wines, there are some special awards given. At the recent Tre Bicchieri tasting in New York, part of a five-city tour across the United States, Marco Sabellico, editor-at-large at Gambero Rosso, and Eleonora Guerini, an editor at Vini d’Italia, led a tasting of these specially awarded wines. The 2016 Vini d’Italia 2016 Special Awards recipients are:
Each year the Tre Bicchieri tour comes to the US to showcase the best wines from Italy. So, I flew up to San Francisco for this year's tasting as it is a great opportunity to taste some of the best wines from Italy all in one place! Gambero Rosso, an Italian food and wine magazine founded in 1986, publishes the annual Guida Vini d'Italia. The wine ratings are based upon blind tastings by independent experts. Ratings are built up on the number of glasses (or bicchieri) awarded to a wine. This is then indicated in the wine guide with a number of stylized glasses next to the wine's name. The highest rating is Tre Bicchieri (three glasses).
  • Three glasses indicate "extraordinary wines".
  • Two glasses indicate "very good wines".
  • One glass indicates "good wines".
Gambero Rosso recently announced the Tre Bicchieri, or “three glasses”, winners for the "Vini d'Italia 2013" wine guide.  First published in 1987, over 45,000 wines were tasted by more than 60 judges to make it into the 26th edition.  Of the awarded wines, eleven wines within the Dalla Terra portfolio received a Tre Bicchieri® honor. Congratulations! Dalla Terra means "of the earth" in Italian.  Founded in 1990, owner Brian Larky, who was the winemaker at Ca'del Bosco in Italy, selects wineries that best represent the regions of Italy.  What makes this portfolio of wineries all the more unique is that Dalla Terra Winery Direct® is a direct importer.  Distributors are able to buy directly from the producer, which eliminates the national importer and thereby keeps the price a little lower. I had the privilege to taste these wines and meet the representatives earlier this year at a tasting.  Here is a list of the winning wines by region: