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Piemonte is a region famous for Barolo and Barbaresco. But, Nebbiolo, while the king of the grapes, is not the only grape of Piemonte. Dolcetto is an important grape that many times is underestimated as a simple, uninteresting, wine. Well, it is not! And, when it is from Dogliani, a town in the heart of Piemonte, it is definitely worth being noticed! Dolcetto definitely reigns in Dogliani and you can read my story in the Napa Valley Register. When it comes to Piemonte, Italy, Nebbiolo is king. However, in Dogliani, a small town in the heart of the Langhe in Piemonte, the best vineyards are planted to Dolcetto.
Do not be mistaken. Dolcetto is neither sweet or too light of a red wine. Dolcetto is a black wine grape widely grown in Piemonte that produces a wine that can be tannic and fruity and is almost always dry.