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So often there are two approaches when drinking wine. We order a glass and just drink it, not thinking much about it but enjoying it as we eat a meal or talk with friends. Or we sit and analyze a wine, assessing its aromas and tasting notes. But have you ever tasted wine with intention? Have you ever meditated and drank wine? This past week I attended a Medi-Tasting Experience and tasted wine in a new way. That is why Tasting with Intention is the Please The Palate Pick of the Week. Sitting at the Malibu Beach Inn, overlooking the ocean and listening to the sound of the waves crashing, chef, author and meditation teacher Cassandra Bodzak guided us through a meditation following by a tasting of the wines of Champagne Henriot. Through meditation, the goal was to be more in tune with our bodies. Our senses are optimized which leads to a deeper tasting experience.
Drinking a glass of Krug Champagne is aspirational, sitting down for a dinner of Krug Champagne is beyond my wildest dreams. But, my dreams came true as I enjoyed a delicious meal at 71 Above in downtown LA, paired with more than a dozen bottles of Krug Champane which I wrote about in the Napa Valley Register and am sharing here.

Exclusive. Aspirational. Hedonistic. Revered. Indulgent. Pleasure. These are just some of the words that come to mind when I think about Krug Champagne. In fact, ask any Champagne collector, or lover, to name a brand that is respected the world over and they will likely answer Krug.

I have had the pleasure to taste Krug Champagne on a couple of occasions. Mind you, it was just a taste of the Grand Cuvee or the Rosé, but even with those tastes, I cherished every sip.

Who doesn't love Champagne!?! I know I do. There are so many brands out there.....well-known ones and lesser-known ones. It is always fun to try new brands and recently, while at Pebble Peach Food & Wine, I was introduced to a new brand - Champagne Legras & Haas, which I wrote about in the Napa Valley Register and share here.

As a lover of Champagne, and all sparkling wines for that matter, I can never pass up a glass of bubbles. So, as I wandered around the opening night party at Pebble Beach Food & Wine, I found myself stopping at every table that was pouring Champagne.
