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Look for a bottle of glorious Grenache whenever you crave a sultry red wine that delivers rich flavors of fruit, food friendly acidity and soft tannins. The Crush On This...

Earlier this year, I attended a seminar at Pebble Beach Food and Wine entitled Discover Garnacha & Grenache. The world’s seventh-most planted grape, it is produced in Spain and France, as well as many other wine regions around the world. In celebration of International Grenache Day on Friday, September 20th, my story ran in the Napa Valley Register and now I am sharing it here.
Sing it: “You say Grenache, and I say Garnacha. You say France and I say Spain. Grenache, Garnacha, France, Spain, don’t call the whole thing off!”

Let’s agree to both and beyond!

Whether you call it Grenache or Garnacha, it is the world’s seventh-most planted grape.
