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Just before the holiday season started, Terrine LA opened its doors on Beverly Boulevard in the old Pane Vino space, a block from Jar Restaurant. And, just after the holidays, Terrine LA opened its doors for brunch. So, to start the new year off on a good foot, we headed to Terrine LA for brunch. Terrine Restaurant Terrine LA is a gorgeous space. The brasserie-style restaurant is a wide open space with bright natural light (in the daytime). The elegant copper and marble bar runs along one side of the room and a whitewashed brick wall runs along the other side. A large picture window behind the bar offers a view into the kitchen. And there is the romantic patio featuring a lovely old tree in the center. However, as it was one of those very rare cold days in LA, we opted to sit inside.

This post originally appeared on FoodableTV.com When the weekend rolls around, who doesn’t love brunch? It’s that perfect late morning/early afternoon meal that lets you sleep in a little later or...

Who doesn't love brunch? It's the perfect meal that satisfies both the breakfast crowd and the lunch crowd, that can be enjoyed all morning and into the afternoon. In most cities, brunch is the meal that is saved for weekend days - the days in which we can casually start our days a little later than normal and don't have to rush off to work or appointments. But, in Portland, brunch is so popular that many restaurants offer it every day of the week. In fact, brunch is such a part of life in Portland that the hit TV show Portlandia even titled an episode “Brunch Village” and filmed on location at various local brunch spots. There is also a website and book that serves as more of a fan page for the early morning delight. Breakfast in Bridgetown: The Definitive Guide to Portland’s Favorite Meal, showcases brunch and breakfast reviews, news and everything in between. One of our favorite spots for brunch in Portland is Tasty and Sons, where the menu changes regularly and is designed to feature seasonal, local ingredients.  