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An artist expresses thoughts with a brush; a chef expresses thoughts through food. Brushstroke, the new restaurant founded by Chef David Bouley and Chef Yoshiki Tsuiji, is where art and food meet and the beauty of Japanese culture is translated into an extraordinary dining experience. Offering authentic Japanese cuisine, the menu is a reflection of the season. Typically, when restaurants change their menus seasonally, they change them 4-6 times per year.  But at Brushstroke, the chefs follow a 20-phase seasonal calendar tied to nature which means that the menu will be different every time you dine there. Brushstoke offers a kaiseki menu, a traditional multi-course Japenese dinner. Kaiseki is a type of art form that balances the taste, texture, appearance, and colors of food. The term also refers to the collection of skills and techniques that allow the preparation of such meals, similar to haute cuisine. Each menu is created in collaboration between the Bouley Test Kitchen in New York and the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, Japan.