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Do you have preconceived ideas about different grapes? For example, do you generalize that all Chardonnays are oak-y and buttery or all rosé wines are sweet? I am a proponent...

I had never heard of Garden Creek when I was invited to an intimate dinner in the vineyard to celebrate 50 years. 50 years of grape growing and I had never heard of them. But what struck me from the moment I arrived, aside from the beauty of the vineyard, was the love. There was the love between owners Justin and Karin and love for their land and that is what I wrote about in the Napa Valley Register and share below. Fifty years of growing grapes. Nineteen years of making wine. And you have probably not heard of them, as I had not until I visited them recently. Located in the Alexander Valley, Garden Creek Ranch Vineyards and Winery is a story of love: love for the land, love for the wine and love for the people.
Owners Karin Warnelius-Miller and Justin Miller were raised on the 100-acre property, of which 72 acres are planted. Justin’s American father and Swedish mother purchased the first 54 acres in 1963, planting vines in 1969. They purchased more property in 1970. They named the property Garden Creek Ranch after the creek on the northside of the property and began selling grapes to local wineries in the area. Justin began managing the vineyards at the age of 19.